Case 2 recruitment is now open!

Hello, everyone!

I have exciting news to relay to you all: as of this moment, recruitment for positions for case 2 is officially open! I know that quite a few people have been antsy to join our team and lend their talents to making MLI as good as it can be, so here’s your chance! We have a number of positions open, so I hope that everyone can find something that they can do. 🙂

Here’s what we have open – information about the positions and instructions on how to apply can be found on each page (click the headers to go to the page):

Visual artists

Vector artist
Cutscene artist

Music & sound design

Audio engineer

Voice actors

(Explanation of each role can be found by clicking the link above.)

Female roles

Larger roles

Sapphire Shores
Lyrica Lilac
Royal Ribbon

Smaller roles

Princess Celestia
Aunt Orange
Jenny Juniper (OC)

Male or female roles

Smaller roles


Male roles

Larger roles

Philo Reed (OC)

Smaller roles

Uncle Orange
Gustave le Grand
Dim Delite (OC)

As stated in the recruitment pages, we’re accepting applications until May 23 (May 16 for voice actor roles). Best of luck to you all!

61 thoughts on “Case 2 recruitment is now open!

  1. Awesome, just made my audition. What type of sound file do you have to save it as? or is it any type? anyways, i hope this case doesnt disappoint (Which i doubt it will)

  2. Pingback: Equestrian Dreamers looking for more people! | The Button Mashers

  3. Pingback: Equestrian Dreamers Hiring for My Little Invesigations

  4. I know it’s WAAAAAY to early to tell, but could you give an estimant as to when case 2 will be out by the latest. If you can’t, then that’s fine.

    • We’d really rather not make any time estimates, especially at as early a time as now, so as not to incur any disappointment should we end up not meeting those estimates.

      • I’ve already done my estimate, which i’d think might be abit accurate, and i’d say it’d be another 2-3 years before this case is finished.

        • That’s good to know, although I realise that it may not happen quite that soon. Whatever it takes to make the next case as good as (and hopefully even better than) the first case!

  5. Pingback: Friday Night Community, 04/25/2014 – Derpy News My Little Pony

    • Aside from requirements to produce good-quality original recordings, no; our audio guys will handle cutting things up and adding effects and so forth.

  6. Pingback: My Little Investigations Recruiting for Case #2 | Everfree News

  7. Pingback: My Little Investigations cerca nuovo staff! | Cutie Mark Crusaders

  8. One small question: In the case of vectoring the sample work, is it ok if I create a couple more with more variation(e.g. different hair styles, different eye styles, etc.)?
    I really suck at vectoring 😛

    “Failing is hard. Not trying is worse.”

  9. Pingback: My Little Investigations Opens Applications For Case 2 | The Daily Oat

  10. I’d love to make an audition, buy I don’t have a really high voice.

    And everybody makes noise here. Like, seriously. I’ll try and get something in before the deadline.

    Oh, and what about using this site here: to upload audio? Would you guys take that?

    • Sending in audio files would be preferable, as that would make it much easier for us to compare different auditions when it comes time to do so. If for whatever reason you can’t do that, though, then yeah, that could be OK.

  11. Hey, if I already audition for a character, is it possibly if I can send another audition for the same character, or does it have to be another one?

  12. I would like to audition for Spike’s voice. But I’m not sure when to start. I don’t even know where to upload the sound files…

  13. Hey! I just sent in an audition just now and I’m so excited about the whole thing, I’m not sure whether I might get accepted or not but I’m so anxious to hear! Is there any time further information as to what’s going on might be released? Or will we have to wait until the deadline? Also, will we still hear back from you if we dont make the cut?

    • Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications we’re getting, it’s just not feasible for us to contact everyone who sent in an application. 🙁 There isn’t really much to say other than to announce the results, so those will probably be the next public communication regarding recruitment.

  14. Nice to see you guys recruiting!
    I sent an email regarding the audio engineering position a few weeks ago, although I did not received any answer, so I’m unsure if you received my email or not.

    Best wishes!

  15. It might not be the right time or place to say this, but I have a question about one of the character designs in this case, specifically Dim Delite’s. Is that a radio transmitter he’s wearing? Should such a thing exist at the time specified in this case? I ask this under the impression that as far as the show has shown us, the main, if not only, means of communicating over long distances is still via letters. We haven’t even seen any telegraphs.

    • I’m guessing by the lack of an answer that the answer is something along the lines of, “Yeah, you’re right, we didn’t really think too much about it at the time, but it’s a little late to do anything about it now. We’ve already implemented the radio transmitter in the story and it would hard to edit it out without taking several steps backward in development, which we aren’t willing to do at this point in time. Sorry for the discrepancy, but you’ll just have to overlook it when the case comes out.”

      • Actually, the radio transmitter has nothing whatsoever to do with the story and was just decoration on the character, and we’d just missed that comment, but, y’know, why have that when instead you can have wild speculation? 😛

  16. Err… This might be a bit late me founding this page just now, but since I am still waiting for that email….
    I might as well ask, before sending in my application, just in case.
    Will a person with a ‘foreign’ accent, mine is specifically Eastern Asian Accent, be able to do any of these? Even if the person is clear in his words and pronunciation?
    I have some experience and believe to be a good voice actor, but I tend to get rejected in the end due to the director usually didn’t have any plans or ideas for a ‘Chineseque’ sounding voice in the radio play they envision. Can you still accept my auditions? Or would you rather me not even try, so that I wouldn’t clutter your email box?

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